Bringing the Real & the Raw to Your Next Event

I am wildly passionate about sharing my story and life experiences with other women through a no-nonsense, transparent, storytelling approach that others tip toe around. I'm that relatable, chill, let's hang and have some drinks, girl women relate to because they feel seen and understand, I've been there!

As a woman it is easy to place our own needs aside while we care for our families, support our partners, and grow our careers. Until, one day, we realize we want more (and not just more vacations, time or booze, although, zero judgement if that's you) and we aren't totally sure how to get there. We wake up and we wonder where that girl went with all of those dreams, all that ambition, and all that damn energy!

As a mental wellness and self care advocate, I help women understand the true sh*t show that ensues when we continue to neglect ourselves. The real physical and mental effects that we'll experience. I help them battle the uncertainties, self doubt and limiting beliefs we have around what it looks like to be a good partner, parent, daughter, friend, or employee. Helping them through the process and overcoming the guilt that often comes with it.

I speak on range of topics including: burnout & hustle culture, motherhood, self care, mental wellness, personal growth, habits and routines, slow and intentional living, entrepreneurship, life transitions (including divorce, blended families, grief and remarriage).